
  • ימי הורדוס

    Herodium during the Rule of Herod

    Herod of Judaea ruled for 33 years until he died of a fatal disease in the year 4 CE. He was born in 73 BCE, to Antipatris, son of an aristocratic Edomite family which converted to Judaism and was incorporated into the Hasmonean administrative system

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  • התקופה בין הורדוס למרד הגדול

    Herodium during the period between Herod’s death and the outbreak of the Great Revolt

    The data with regard to this period is very restricted, as no significant structures appear to have been established, and there may have been only minor occupation of the site.

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  • המרד הגדול

    The Site during the period of the Great Revolt against Rome

    The Palace-Fortress on the Herodium hill, built by Herod, continued to be used by his heirs and the Roman governors of Judaea, until its capture by the Jewish zealots at the start of the First Revolt (apparently in 66 CE).
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  • ימי בר כוכבא

    Herodium during the time of the Bar-Kokhba Revolt

    For 60 years, the majority of the period following the First Revolt, Herodium was abandoned, apart from brief periods when a Roman garrison was stationed on the hill-top.
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  • התקופה הביזנטית

    Herodium during the Byzantine period

    The Byzantine period in this area, from the end of the 4thc.CE to the Arab conquest in the middle of the 7th c. CE, is known to have been one of great development. Numerous churches and monasteries were built in the area in general, and in the Judean desert in particular.
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