The Triclinium – Synagogue

The Triclinium – Synagogue


On the western side of the hilltop Palace-Fortress stood a large (15 X 10.5 m.) hall, used originally for feasts and receptions. It was paved with a guilloche of colored stones in opus sectile, and the walls were decorated with painted panels in fresco.
Access was from the courtyard via a broad entryway facing east. Along the walls stood rows of columns which would have supported a raised roof and clerestory with the aid of heavy wooden beams. During either the Great Revolt or the Bar-Kokhba revolt, the hall was converted to a synagogue, when the pillars and benches currently in the hall were added.


Site Explanation Sign (Triclinium)
Site Explanation Sign (Synagogue)


Read more:


  • Netzer E., 1981. Greater Herodium (Qedem 13), Jerusalem.
  • Corbo, V. C. 1989. Herodion I: gli Edifici della-Fortezza. Jerusalem. Franciscan Printing Press.
  • Foerster G., 1983. “The Synagogues at Masada and Herodium”, Eretz-Israel 11, Pp. 224-228. (in Hebrew)
  • Netzer E., 2003. “The Synagogue og the Second Temple Period on the Basis of the Archaeolocical and Literary Evidence”, Ben-Arieh Y. and Reiner E. (eds.) Studies in the History of Eretz Israel: Presented to Yehuda Ben Porat, Jerusalem, Pp. 195-208. (in Hebrew)
  • Netzer E., 2004. “The Synagogue of the Second Temple Period and their Impact on the Later Ones”, Y. Eshel et. al. (eds.) And Let Them Make Me a Sanctuary, Synagogues from the Ancient Times to the Present Day, Ariel, Pp.9-24. (in Hebrew)

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