The Ritual Baths

The Ritual Baths in the Palace-Fortress



Two ritual baths (miqvehs) from the Jewish rebellion periods were found in the hilltop Palace-Fortress; the western one by the entrance to the rebels’ synagogue, and the eastern one in the courtyard at the foot of the circular tower. They both have a singular double water-installation adjacent to the pool which is unknown from other sites. Although the data is insufficient to determine whether they were constructed during the first or second revolt, it seems more likely that they were built during the first.
Another pair of water installations were found inside the Palace-Fortress, but these appear to have been used as ritual baths during the original Herodian period. One is a large double pool to the north-west of the hall, and the other a small stepped pool inside the triangular frigidarium (cold room) of the Herodian bathhouse.


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